Richard Carter
Richard Carter, known as “Manos de Fuego” or “Malume” (“Uncle”), graduated from the Cape Town University with a BA in Performing Arts in 1979, majoring in Theatre Performance and Fine Art History. He studied Tomashevsky mime in Paris, France and spent many years in Europe working as an actor and dancer. Richard has studied and toured with master drummer Adama Drame and Foliba in the Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. He has taught percussion extensively and performed with many pop, jazz and African artists. He has collaborated with all of South Africa’s major dance companies and frequently works on the local corporate circuit and as a studio musician. He was a composer and Musical Director of Drumming for the South African hit musical “African Footprint” and works from his own music studio as a producer and composer. He is a founding member of Drumstruck. He has a great love for Latin music and performs regularly as a congasero in a Salsa band. Between tours of Drumstruck he works at Drum Café Johannesburg as a Creative Director and Production manager.